
Alien Nation EP 11 & 12: The Red Room & Spirit of 95

Welcome back to The Dead Tv Podcast as we talk about the next two episodes of Alien Nation and while Mistress Zeneca is taking care of her new club in PA Michael Ravenshadow from Trick or Treat Radio returns to the studio to chat with me about these two episodes

12/18/89 A break in at a behavioral lab and a series of execution-style murders dredges up buried memories for Francisco.

As Susan and Buck campaign for Tenctonese suffrage, bombings and kidnappings are linked to the anti-Newcomer “Purist” organization.

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Alien Nation EP 11 & 12: The Red Room & Spirit of 95

Alien Nation EP 9&10: The Game & Chains of Love with Guest author Scott Overton

WELCOME back to our coverage of Alien Nation the tv series, this time we have one Scott Overton a Scifi Author to sub in for Mistress Zeneca as she is setting up and running her new club in PA.

Sikes and George discover that a Newcomer’s bizarre game of Russian roulette is responsible for a series of deaths.

Sikes and Francisco seek an elusive Newcomer woman – all of whose dates wind up dead. George worries about Susan’s fidelity.

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Alien Nation EP 9&10: The Game & Chains of Love with Guest author Scott Overton

Alien Nation EP 7&8: Contact & Three to Tango

Welcome back to the Dead TV Podcast with these next two episode of Alien Nation but hopefully you enjoyed my brief interview with Sci-Fi Film Fest Director Garen Daly. This will be the last episode for Mistress Zeneca for the next month she will be back for our interview with Terri who played Cathy on the show soon.

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Alien Nation EP 7&8: Contact & Three to Tango

Alien Nation Eps 5&6: The First Cigar & Night of the Screams

We are back late into the month of January with two more episodes of Alien Nation. One of them is a Halloween themed episode which I wasn’t expecting.

ep 5 George (Eric Pierpoint) accepts a loan from a Newcomer loan officer before discovering she is a drug czar. Guest star: James Greene. With Gary Graham.

ep 6 The method of a serial killer stalking Newcomers re-creates one of their most grisly legends

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Alien Nation Eps 5&6: The First Cigar & Night of the Screams

Alien Nation Eps 3&4: Fountain of Youth & Little Lost Lamb

Happy New Year and HappY Holiday what ever it is you celebrate. Thanks for coming back to the Dead TV Podcast for our continuing coverage of Alien Nation the Series.

ep 3 Air Date: 9/25/89 Sikes and Francisco (Gary Graham, Eric Pierpoint) investigate a doctor who is killing Newcomers to benefit human patients.

ep4 Airdate: 10/2/89 The death of a Newcomer hiding from her pimp in Sikes’ apartment leads the detectives to a prostitution ring.

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Alien Nation Eps 3&4: Fountain of Youth & Little Lost Lamb

Alien Nation Eps 1&2, With Guest star Eric Pierpoint

Tonight we dive into the first couple episodes of ALIEN NATION the series with a guest star in the middle of the coverage Eric Pierpoint who played George on the show. This is how we got Ken Johnson as we originally interviewed Eric months ago.

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Alien Nation Eps 1&2, With Guest star Eric Pierpoint

Alien Nation The Series Pilot with Guest Kenneth Johnson

WELCOME to our true start to covering Alien Nation the Series. We kick it off with an amazing Review of the Pilot and a Interview with Kenneth Johnson the creator of Alien Nation, as well as V The Bionic Woman and The Incredible Hulk tv shows.

Airdate 9/18/1989 A bigoted human policeman in the L.A. of the future and his alien partner learn to live with each other’s differences while attempting to solve a drug conspiracy hidden in the subculture of Los Angeles’ newest immigrant population: extraterrestrials.

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Alien Nation The Series Pilot with Guest Kenneth Johnson

Alien Nation The Movie

WE ARE BACK Hope you had a great Halloween this past October, due to scheduling issues with recordings we decided to start ALIEN NATION off in November and not in October where Zeneca and I were super busy. Please enjoy our review of the Alien Nation Movie. Then back in two weeks with the Pilot episode and the creator of the show with us.

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Alien Nation The Movie

Reaper Series Finale

We say good bye to REAPER the Comedy Horror Show that came and went too fast and soon. We enjoyed our ride on Reaper and in the final episode were able to talk about some of the reasons it didnt come back for a season 3. All the of the actors have gone on to great things in tv and wish them the best. Stay tuned as we start our dive into Alien Nation. ALSO in this episode we have the Brimstone FINALE as well by Mystress Zeneca.

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Reaper Series Finale

Reaper S2 Eps 11&12: To Sprong, with Love & Business Casualty

We are nearing the end of our coverage of Reaper here on the dead tv podcast. This has been a long journey thru a really underrated show from the WB/CW. CHeck out our coverage of these two episodes.

Ep 11 5/12/09 : When the Devil sends Sam out to catch his latest soul, Sam thinks the escaped soul is his mean, former biology high school teacher, Mr. Sprong. But, it turns out the soul’s actually a former student, and Mr. Sprong’s the target.

Ep12 5/19/09 : The Devil lands Sam a new job of being an intern in a high-powered corporate office. He hopes to groom Sam more for ruling the world and shows him what the corporate life is all about. 

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Reaper S2 Eps 11&12: To Sprong, with Love & Business Casualty

Reaper S2 9&10: No Reaper Left Behind & My Brother’s Reaper

We are down to the last few episode of REAPER the series here on the Dead TV Podcast. We hope you have really enjoyed our coverager of this amazing horror comedy show. This season we admit in this episode not as good as the last one but still enjoyed these two we cover.

Ep 9 4/28/09 Sam is sent to the home of the Devil’s girlfriend, Sally, so that she can teach him more of the “family business.” Sally initially refuses to help groom Sam since he is moral as well as immature. But when Sam realizes that Sally can possibly help him out of his contract, he asks her to teach him the rules of the trade anyway

Ep 10 5/10/09 In an unusual move, the Devil tasks Sam into getting a spoiled and obnoxious rich guy named Gary to sign a contract selling his soul to Satan. Unfortunately, Gary is much too clever for the incompetent Sam, and manages to avoid all Sam’s attempts to get him to sign on the dotted line of the contract, while the Devil has other plans to take Gary.

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Reaper S2 9&10: No Reaper Left Behind & My Brother's Reaper

Reaper S2 Eps 7&8: The Good Soil & The Home Stretch

We are back with two more episodes from S2 eps 7&8 here on the Dead Tv Podcast as we come close to the end of our coverage of REAPER from the CW era.

Ep7 4/18/09: The Devil once again forces Sam to team up with Morgan to take him on another soul capture quest. But predictably, the devious and selfish Morgan takes off, leaving Sam to do all the work, in which Morgan plans to take all the credit.

Ep8 4/21/09: The Devil pairs Sam and Morgan against each other to capture an escaped soul as part of a contest who which one of them will win and be Satan’s right-hand person on Earth.

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Reaper S2 Eps 7&8: The Good Soil & The Home Stretch

Reaper S2 Ep 5&6: The Good Soil & The Home Stretch

After much delay we have returned for the podcast Chris had Covid and Zeneca had a bunch of events and vacation came in. Its been a busy few weeks. We are back with the next two episodes of Reaper.

ep 5
After Sam catches another escaped soul, a female vampire, he, Sock and Ben find themselves in the possession of the soul’s infant daughter. Sam gives the baby to the demon Tony to raise it

Sam, Sock, and Ben go on a road trip to locate another escaped soul in which they encounter a large tentacled beast that has taken over a small town and targets the bumbling and immature trio as it’s latest dinner. 

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Reaper S2 Ep 5&6: The Good Soil & The Home Stretch

Reaper S2 Ep 3&4: The Sweet Science & The Favorite

We return with anothe rtwo great episodes of the tv series REAPER

Ep 3 Ben wants to introduce Nina to Sock and Sam; the devil tells Sam he must send a prizefighter from the 1950s back to hell.

Ep 4 The Devil introduces Sam to Morgan, his charming other son. Sam is tasked with giving Morgan a stronger work ethic so he can take over the family business.

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Reaper S2 Ep 3&4: The Sweet Science & The Favorite

Reaper S2 Ep1 &2: Episode IV A New Hope

We are back on track with Reaper after a small break between seasons for the Dr. Strange Movie. We probably have the weirdest title for a podcast episode ever. Enjoy our run thru Reaper season two. We look forward to giving this show its proper due as we march to the finish line.

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Reaper S2 Ep1 &2: Episode IV A New Hope