WELCOME to our true start to covering Alien Nation the Series. We kick it off with an amazing Review of the Pilot and a Interview with Kenneth Johnson the creator of Alien Nation, as well as V The Bionic Woman and The Incredible Hulk tv shows.
Airdate 9/18/1989 A bigoted human policeman in the L.A. of the future and his alien partner learn to live with each other’s differences while attempting to solve a drug conspiracy hidden in the subculture of Los Angeles’ newest immigrant population: extraterrestrials.
This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at thatradioofhorror@gmail.com

When you were listing Gary Graham’s credits, I can’t believe you forgot to mention Robot Jox (1989). Imagine Pacific Rim mixed with Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots using stop-motion animation instead of CGI. Also starred Anne-Marie Johnson from The Heat of the Night TV show. It’s late 80’s cheesy Sci-Fi B-movie goodness.
I hope there’s a chance, but I doubt it, to get an interview with Graham to talk about the show. Let’s just say, you probably would disagree with his politics. I’ll leave it at that.