
From Dusk Till Dawn Mins 55-60: Santanico Pandemonium

Chris Derakotch from the Jay and Silent Movie Minte Podcast Joins me for these mins to talk about Salma Hayek best role of the 90s the vampire dancer Santanico Pandemonium. We both agree this is more like a Jessica Rabbit style stage dance than a strip tease. Please leave comments and corrections if they are […]

Powerless ep 4&5: Emily Dates a Henchman and Cold Season

We are back talking about two more episodes of the DC comics Office show Powerless. A great show cancelled too soon. This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could […]

From Dusk Till Dawn Mins 50-55: Drink to your Health

Chris Derakotch from the Jay and Silent Movie Minte Podcast Joins me for these mins to talk about the debut of Salma Hayek best role of the 90s the vampire dancer Santanico Pandemonium and Drinks on the bar and the best food in Mexico Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a […]

SPN Creatures and Lore #71: The Girl Next Door

Kitsune is the creature of the episode and the first to be covered this year. This is one of the worst of the human monsters they didn’t do special effects for. Sam reunites with a childhood girlfriend who is supposedly preying on human brains. My Co-host Actress Mel Heflin joins us from Florida. We pull […]

From Dusk Till Dawn Mins 45-50: My kind of Place

Loz and Chris come back to the bar to talk about the real focus of the movie after MINS and Mins of great character development Tarentino and Rodriguez have given us. we at long last entert the bar we been waiting for. It gets crazy from here. Please leave comments and corrections if they are […]

Powerless Ep 2 &3 : Wayne Dream Team and Sinking Day

We are back with the first episode of the new Year Covering POWERLESS eps 2 and 3 Ep 2: When Emily tries to the members of her team excited about a new product idea, she can’t get them to break their obsession with Fantasy Super Hero League; Van makes plans to be included in the […]

Hack/Slash: Back to School #2

Happy New Year, back to the podcast Goth Girl Horror with the second issue of the last mini series Back to School by Zoe Thorogood. I fly solo on this episode making it very brief. I hope you all enjoy it and can leave very positive feedback. Check out the main show this podcast is […]

From Dusk Till Dawn Mins 40-45: The Titty Twister

Loz returns for these five misn to talk about the guys escaping from the border patrol and then meeting the host of the TT bar the same actore who met them at the border and will shwo up at the end of the movie. Its weird and we talk about it. Please leave comments and […]

Powerless Pilot and Ep1: Wayne or Lose

We are back here on the Dead Tv Podcast finally covering Powerless the DC comedy superhero show. This episode we cover the pilot that only aired at comic con 2016 ansd the series re done first episode. EP1 Emily Locke starts her first day as the director of research and development at Wayne Security. When […]

From Dusk Till Dawn Mins 35-40: Richie’s Dilusions

I fly solo on these five mins of the Vampire Movie Minute podcast as its the FUller family and the Geckos still on the road trip to the Mexican Boarder. Nothign exciting except Richie being a creepazoid to Kate. Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling nature on our comment […]

Supernatural CL #70: Hello, Cruel World

Welcome back to this new epispde of Supernatural Creatures and Lore with this episdoe we dive into the snake big mouth bosses of S7 of the show Leviathans and where they come from. My Co-host Actress Mel Heflin joins us from Florida. We pull the facts from a variety of sources and books, anything left […]

From Dusk Till Dawn Interview

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Thank you to all who have checked out the podcast. Tonight we have an interview with one of the people behind the special effects for the movie Thomas Bellisimo. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed talking to him about this awesome action gore fest of a movie. Please leave […]

From Dusk Till Dawn Mins 30-35: Personal Questions

Welcome back to the Vampire Movie Minute Podcast this time I’m joined by Billy Coyne a special Effects makeup artist I have know for many years going back to the early 2010s. We discuss 5 mins in an RV and some of the silly character development of the movie. Please leave comments and corrections if […]

SPN Creatures and Lore #69: Let it Bleed

Tonight Mel and Chris talk about HP Lovecraft and his influences on this episode and some other great horror works. Lovecraft makes his only real appearance in Supernatural and wish he had more to do than a flashback scene. We talk about the racist and phobia writing of the infamous Author. My Co-host Actress Mel […]

Hack/Slash: Back to School #1

Tonight a week before Halloween I fly solo and talk about Hack/Slash: Back to School #1 by Zoe Thorogood. Who was the writer and artist AND Cosplayer on this comic. It ran 4or 4 issues and well be covering them all and maybe have a guest on for one. Check out the main show this […]