DC comics

Powerless Ep 6&7: I’m a Friend You & Van v Emily: Dawn of Justice

We are back with two more episodes of the DC comics office show POWERLESS. We are onto the second half od this cancellled too soon great comic book comedy.

Check out Radio of Horror SUnday Nights at 10 pm est

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at Check out the regular show Sunday Night 10pm est, Dr. Chris Radio of Horror at and

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Powerless Ep 6&7: I'm a Friend You & Van v Emily: Dawn of Justice

Powerless ep 4&5: Emily Dates a Henchman and Cold Season

We are back talking about two more episodes of the DC comics Office show Powerless. A great show cancelled too soon.

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at Check out the regular show Sunday Night 10pm est, Dr. Chris Radio of Horror at and

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Powerless ep 4&5: Emily Dates a Henchman and Cold Season

Powerless Ep 2 &3 : Wayne Dream Team and Sinking Day

We are back with the first episode of the new Year Covering POWERLESS eps 2 and 3

Ep 2: When Emily tries to the members of her team excited about a new product idea, she can’t get them to break their obsession with Fantasy Super Hero League; Van makes plans to be included in the Wayne dream-team photo.

ep3: After Van proves to be incompetent, the team manage to a lose a client so Emily tries to clinch a deal with Atlantis. Van’s father gives him the opportunity to redeem himself. Ron and Teddy are certain that the new employee Alex is a superhero.

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play, or Audible for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Please email us at Check out the regular show Sunday Night 10pm est, Dr. Chris Radio of Horror at and

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Powerless Ep 2 &3 : Wayne Dream Team and Sinking Day

Swamp Thing The Animated Series: Ep4&5

Welcome to our last trip to the DC Universe with Swamp Thing the Animated Series. It ran for 5 episodes back in the 90s. When you watch this keep in mind about a toy line from Kenner and how this was just 5 22 min commercials to sell toys. These last two episodes are just bad very very bad sorry folks.

In this episode we are joined by Michael Ravenshadow once again from the Dead Tv Podcast

Original Air Date for the First episode: May 22 and May 28th 1991

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We are also on Patreon PLEASE give a donation to help the show if you enjoy it

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Swamp Thing The Animated Series: Ep4&5



Swamp Thing The Animated Series: EP 1,2,&3

We jump to another part of the DC Universe with Swamp Thing the Animated Series. It ran for 5 episodes back in the 90s. When you watch this keep in mind about a toy line from Kenner and how this was just 5 22 min commercials to sell toys. Lots of really cool toys did come from this and later in the week on our Facebook page we will post some pictures of the ones Mike brought in for us to play with.
In this episode we are joined by Michael Ravenshadow once again from the Dead Tv Podcast

Original Air Date for the First episode: October 31, 1990 ( Halloween)

Don’t forget to check out our awesome new Sponsor for Radio of Horror

The Dead Tv Facebook Page

Radio of Horror Network Twitter

We are also on Patreon PLEASE give a donation to help the show if you enjoy it>

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Swamp Thing The Animated Series: EP 1,2,&3



Constantine/Arrow: Haunted

Goodbye John we loved covering your show. We said good by last week BUT We have a special episode of Arrow to give you. Matt Ryan also returns for the JL Dark Movie which we give some coverage of more a review. This is last episode for the show Constantine….next week We jump to another part of the DC Universe with Swamp Thing the Animated Series. Another comic book geek nirvana in this episode as John, Oliver and the resat of team Arrow team up in both the past and present. Matt returns to the role in January in the CW Seed Animated Series.

Original Air Date for this episode was November 4, 2015

Oliver (Green Arrow) calls in a favor from an old friend, John Constantine (Matt Ryan), when things with Sara take a turn for the worse.

Don’t forget to check out our awesome new Sponsor for Radio of Horror

The Dead Tv Facebook Page

Radio of Horror Network Twitter

We are also on Patreon PLEASE give a donation to help the show if you enjoy it

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Constantine/Arrow: Haunted



Constantine Ep 13: Waiting for the Man

Goodbye John we loved covering your show. Matt Ryan we cant wait to see what you do in the animated series on CW seed next year. This is last episode for the show Constantine. Its a comic book geek nirvana in this episode as John and and most of his crew (No Chaz) team up with Jim Corrigan Again. We do have a special episode of the podcast coming next week covering his appearance on Arrow and the JL Dark Movie.

Original Air Date for this episode was Air date: February 13, 2015 (A Friday the 13th in 2015 btw)

Detective Jim Corrigan asks John and Zed for help with a case involving a missing girl; Papa Midnite plots his revenge; the truth behind the rising darkness is revealed.

Don’t forget to check out our awesome new Sponsor for Radio of Horror

The Dead Tv Facebook Page

Radio of Horror Network Twitter

We are also on Patreon PLEASE give a donation to help the show if you enjoy it

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Constantine Ep 13: Waiting for the Man



Constantine EP 12: Angels and Ministers of Grace

Winding down how much longer we have on Constantine as this is our 2nd to last episode for the show. Its a comic book geek nirvana in this episode as John and his crew must deal with the Justice League Villain Eclipso. This villain first appeared First appearance: ‎House of Secrets #61 and Created by‎: ‎Bob Haney‎ (writer) and ‎Lee Elias‎ (artist in Join Mistress Zeneca and I as we discuss the weird symbols that appear in this episode. Also find out how the University in this episode is connected to another great DC Hero. One that appears on another DC show.

Original Air Date for this episode was Air date: February 6, 2015

John asks Manny to help him investigate a mysterious attack at a hospital; a health issue prompts Zed to question her visions

Don’t forget to check out our awesome new Sponsor for Radio of Horror

The Dead Tv Facebook Page

Radio of Horror Network Twitter

We are also on Patreon PLEASE give a donation to help the show if you enjoy it

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Constantine EP 12: Angels and Ministers of Grace



Constantine Ep 11: A Whole World Out There

We are winding down how much longer we have on Constantine as this is our third to last episode for the show. Its like a LOST reunion in this episode of Constantine as we have 3 members from the cast of LOST in this episode. Join Mistress Zeneca and I as we discuss the weird symbols that appear in this episode. Also find out how the University in this episode is connected to another great DC Hero. One that appears on another DC show.

Original Air Date for this episode was Air date: January 30, 2015

John is sent to help an old friend at Ivy University, where students have figured out how to get to an alternate dimension — only to be met by a killer.

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The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Constantine Ep 11: A Whole World Out There



Constantine Ep 10: Quid Pro Quo

In this episode based on a cool graphic Novel we get to meet Felix Faust a Long time DC villain who has been around since Justice League vol 1 in 1962. We compare whats different from the episode to the comic.

Constantine original air date was January 23rd, 2015
If you would like to help support Dead TV you can do so on the Patreon link below.
The Dead TV Podcast is recorded at the WCUW studios in Worcester MA.

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The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Constantine Ep 10: Quid Pro Quo



Constantine Ep 8&9: The Saint of Last Resorts

Our first two part episode of the podcast we do both episodes in one. The Saint of Last Resorts deals with demonic possessions and an old flame of Johns. We talk about the demon Pazuzu in this episode who you might remember is the demon in the movie THE EXORCIST.

Constantine original air date was December 12th, 2014 and January 15th, 2015
If you would like to help support Dead TV you can do so on the Patreon link below.
The Dead TV Podcast is recorded at the WCUW studios in Worcester MA. Also check out Mistress Zeneca’s Site.

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Radio of Horror Network Twitter

Radio of Horror Network Patreon

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Constantine Ep 8&9: The Saint of Last Resorts



Constantine Ep7: Blessed Are the Damned

Oh what a great episode we recorded for you this week we have a special guest star from the episode with us on the podcast Megan West, who plays the Angel Imogen. She was super nice and great to have on and is awarded Mistress Zeneca and I Yummy Award for the episode this week based on her awesome bad ass Angel look.
In this episode John and Zed try to help a Fallen Angel only to learn not all is what it seems.

Constantine original air date was December 5th, 2014
If you would like to help support Dead TV you can do so on the Patreon link below.
The Dead TV Podcast is recorded at the WCUW studios in Worcester MA.
More of Megans Work can be found here

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Radio of Horror Network Patreon

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Constantine Ep7: Blessed Are the Damned



Constantine Ep6: Rage of Caliban

IN this weeks episode which should have airs on Halloween but was pushed back due to the rearrangement of characters. John must set aside misgivings about exorcising a child when a malevolent spirit takes over a young boy.

Constantine original air date was November 28, 2014
If you would like to help support Dead TV you can do so on the Patreon link below.
The Dead TV Podcast is recorded at the WCUW studios in Worcester MA.

The Dead Tv Facebook Page

Radio of Horror Network Twitter

Radio of Horror Network Patreon

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Constantine Ep6: Rage of Caliban



Constantine Ep5: Danse Vaudou

We DIVE DEEP into the lore of the DC UNIVERSE tonight with Constantine the cancelled NBC Tv show from 2014-2015 John and gang are joined by JIM CORRIGAN AKA THE SPECTRE. I recommend some great DC COMICS reading material when it comes to this episode. I could not be more geeked out talking about him.

Constantine original air date was November 21, 2014
If you would like to help support Dead TV you can do so on the Patreon link below.
The Dead TV Podcast is recorded at the WCUW studios in Worcester MA.

The Dead Tv Facebook Page

Radio of Horror Network Twitter

Radio of Horror Network Patreon

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Constantine Ep5: Danse Vaudou



Constantine Ep4: Feast of Friends

HELLO FANS OF CANCELLED TV SHOWS, Mistress Zeneca and I Dr.Chris look at A Feast of Friends the 4th episode of Constantine. This Story is based on Hellblazer # 1 and 2 of the original comic book dating back to 1988. I think its the grossest episode out there.

Original Air date was November 14th 2014
If you would like to help support Dead TV you can do so on the patreon link below.
The Dead TV Podcast is recorded at the WCUW studios in Worcester MA. Also Check out MIstress Zeneca Site

IMDB Page for Show

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Radio of Horror Network Patreon

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Constantine Ep4: Feast of Friends

