Scott Danielson and Chris discuss the best and worst Vampire Movies ever five mins at a time. Movies covered so far are The Lost Boys, Once Bitten, Lifeforce, and What We do in the Shadows. Formally The Lost Boys Movie Minute Podcast
We are back this week covering how the Countess and Mark escape a gun toting maniac in a Hollywood nightclub. We discuss a deep dark secret about Scott as well.
Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling ass hole nature on our comment section. We will have the podcast available on Itunes Google Play and Sticher very soon. Music from this episode is owned by its copy right holder. Look for us on Facebook and Twitter at The Vampire Movie Minute to follow along and see when new episodes are posted. We will try to keep a schedule of every week.
Scott and I continue talking about this 35 year old Vampire Comedy with Mark meeting the Countess and Jamie and Russ being mistaken for a pervert named Chester. Don’t forget you can find it on bluray from Scream Factory.
Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling ass hole nature on our comment section. We will have the podcast available on Itunes Google Play and Sticher very soon. Music from this episode is owned by its copy right holder. Look for us on Facebook and Twitter to follow along and see when new episodes are posted. We will try to keep a schedule of every week.
We come back with the next five mins with the guys in Hollywood and picking up some Woman and we learn some great things about the area of town they are in from Mistress Zeneca. You can find this film on blu-ray from Scream Factory double packed with Love at First Bite
Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling ass hole nature on our comment section. We will have the podcast available on Itunes Google Play and Sticher very soon. Music from this episode is owned by its copy right holder. Look for us on Facebook and Twitter to follow along and see when new episodes are posted. We will try to keep a schedule of every week.
We come back with the next five mins with the guys thinking about going to Hollywood and picking up some Woman. Countess on the prowl and Mistress Zeneca joins us. You can find this film on blu-ray from Scream Factory double packed with Love at First Bite
Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling ass hole nature on our comment section. We will have the podcast available on Itunes Google Play and Sticher very soon. Music from this episode is owned by its copy right holder. Look for us on Facebook and Twitter to follow along and see when new episodes are posted. We will try to keep a schedule of every week.
Welcome to the new chapter of the Vampire Movie Minute Podcast which was formally the movie Lost Boys but we finally wrapped that up and now are covering the movie ONCE BITTEN staring Jim Carey and Laura Hutton. Scott joins me for this and in the middle of the episode Mistress Zeneca from the Dead Tv Podcast joins us as well.
Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling ass hole nature on our comment section. We will have the podcast available on Itunes Google Play and Sticher very soon. Music from this episode is owned by its copy right holder. Look for us on Facebook and Twitter to follow along and see when new episodes are posted. We will try to keep a schedule of every week.
Scott and I return after almost a year to finish the final few mins of credits and talk about our next movie ONCE Bitten. The podcast also changes its name to Vampire Movie minute
Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling ass hole nature on our comment section. We will have the podcast available on Itunes Google Play and Sticher very soon. Music from this episode is owned by Warner Archives. Look for us on Facebook and Twitter to follow along and see when new episodes are posted. We will try to keep a schedule of every other Monday. The Lost Boys is owned by Warner Brothers Films.
Welcome back to the The Lost Boys Movie Min. A podcast dedicated to the 1987 Vampire movie. I am Dr.Chris the Host of the Radio of Horror network of shows and with me is Film Critic Scott Danielson. We are at the end of our movie.
Some of these movie min podcast do a single min we decided to do 5. I want to thank The Superman Movie Min podcast for giving me the idea to do it 5 mins instead of 1. This episode might be our shortest one yet.
This time we are covering Mins 90-95.
Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling ass hole nature on our comment section. We have the podcast available on Itunes, Google Play, and Sticher. Music from this episode is owned by Warner Archives.
Look for us on Facebook and Twitter to follow along and see when new episodes are posted. We will try to keep a schedule of every other Monday. The Lost Boys is owned by Warner Brothers Films.
The Vampire Movie Minute Podcast
The Lost Boys Movie Min Podcast Mins 90-95: All the Damn Vampires
Welcome back to the The Lost Boys Movie Min. A podcast dedicated to the 1987 Vampire movie. I am Dr.Chris the Host of the Radio of Horror network of shows and with me is Film Critic Scott Danielson. We are coming to the end of the Lost Boys movie.
Some of these movie min podcast do a single min we decided to do 5. I want to thank The Superman Movie Min podcast for giving me the idea to do it 5 mins instead of 1. This episode might be our shortest one yet.
This time we are covering Mins 85-90.
Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling ass hole nature on our comment section. We have the podcast available on Itunes, Google Play, and Sticher. Music from this episode is owned by Warner Archives.
Look for us on Facebook and Twitter to follow along and see when new episodes are posted. We will try to keep a schedule of every other Monday. The Lost Boys is owned by Warner Brothers Films.
The Vampire Movie Minute Podcast
The Lost Boys Movie Min Podcast Mins 85-90: The Head Vampire
Welcome back to the The Lost Boys Movie Min. A podcast dedicated to the 1987 Vampire movie. I am Dr.Chris the Host of the Radio of Horror network of shows and with me is Film Critic Scott Danielson. We will be reviewing and discussing the film FIVE MIN at a time.
Some of these movie min podcast do a single min we decided to do 5. I want to thank The Superman Movie Min podcast for giving me the idea to do it 5 mins instead of 1. This episode might be our shortest one yet.
This time we are covering Mins 80-85.
Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling ass hole nature on our comment section. We have the podcast available on Itunes, Google Play, and Sticher. Music from this episode is owned by Warner Archives.
Look for us on Facebook and Twitter to follow along and see when new episodes are posted. We will try to keep a schedule of every other Monday. The Lost Boys is owned by Warner Brothers Films.
The Vampire Movie Minute Podcast
The Lost Boys Movie Min Podcast Min 80-85: Nanook Vampire Killer
Welcome back to the The Lost Boys Movie Min. A podcast dedicated to the 1987 Vampire movie. I am Dr.Chris the Host of the Radio of Horror network of shows and with me is Film Critic Scott Danielson. We will be reviewing and discussing the film FIVE MIN at a time.
Some of these movie min podcast do a single min we decided to do 5. I want to thank The Superman Movie Min podcast for giving me the idea to do it 5 mins instead of 1. This episode might be our shortest one yet.
This time we are covering Mins 75-80.
Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling ass hole nature on our comment section. We have the podcast available on Itunes, Google Play, and Sticher. Music from this episode is owned by Warner Archives.
Look for us on Facebook and Twitter to follow along and see when new episodes are posted. We will try to keep a schedule of every other Monday. The Lost Boys is owned by Warner Brothers Films.
The Vampire Movie Minute Podcast
The Lost Boys Movie Min Podcast Mins 75-80: Baptism
Welcome back to the The Lost Boys Movie Min. A podcast dedicated to the 1987 Vampire movie. I am Dr.Chris the Host of the Radio of Horror network of shows and with me is Film Critic Scott Danielson. We will be reviewing and discussing the film FIVE MIN at a time.
Some of these movie min podcast do a single min we decided to do 5. I want to thank The Superman Movie Min podcast for giving me the idea to do it 5 mins instead of 1. This episode might be our shortest one yet.
This time we are covering Mins 70-75. This episode is a little longer as we wanted to go over the special effects make up team.
Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling ass hole nature on our comment section. We have the podcast available on Itunes, Google Play, and Sticher. Music from this episode is owned by Warner Archives.
Look for us on Facebook and Twitter to follow along and see when new episodes are posted. We will try to keep a schedule of every other Monday. The Lost Boys is owned by Warner Brothers Films.
The Vampire Movie Minute Podcast
The Lost Boys Movie Minute Mins 70-75: You Know the Rule
Welcome back to the The Lost Boys Movie Min. A podcast dedicated to the 1987 Vampire movie. I am Dr.Chris the Host of the Radio of Horror network of shows and with me is Film Critic Scott Danielson. We will be reviewing and discussing the film FIVE MIN at a time.
Some of these movie min podcast do a single min we decided to do 5. I want to thank The Superman Movie Min podcast for giving me the idea to do it 5 mins instead of 1. This episode might be our shortest one yet.
This time we are covering Mins 60-65. This episode is a little longer as we discuss the movies of 1987 the hits and failures.
Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling ass hole nature on our comment section. We will have the podcast available on Itunes Google Play and Sticher very soon. Music from this episode is owned by Warner Archives.
Look for us on Facebook and Twitter to follow along and see when new episodes are posted. We will try to keep a schedule of every other Monday. The Lost Boys is owned by Warner Brothers Films. Music in the beginning is from RUn DMC and Aerosmith
The Vampire Movie Minute Podcast
The Lost Boys Movie Minute Podcast Mins 65-70: Cold Bloodied Killers
Welcome back to the The Lost Boys Movie Min. A podcast dedicated to the 1987 Vampire movie. I am Dr.Chris the Host of the Radio of Horror network of shows and with me is Film Critic Scott Danielson. We will be reviewing and discussing the film FIVE MIN at a time.
Some of these movie min podcast do a single min we decided to do 5. I want to thank The Superman Movie Min podcast for giving me the idea to do it 5 mins instead of 1. This episode might be our shortest one yet.
This time we are covering Mins 60-65. This episode is a little longer as we discuss the movies of 1987 the hits and failures.
Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling ass hole nature on our comment section. We will have the podcast available on Itunes Google Play and Sticher very soon. Music from this episode is owned by Warner Archives.
Look for us on Facebook and Twitter to follow along and see when new episodes are posted. We will try to keep a schedule of every other Monday. The Lost Boys is owned by Warner Brothers Films. Music in the beginning is from RUn DMC and Aerosmith
The Vampire Movie Minute Podcast
The Lost Boys Movie Minute Podcast Mins 60-65: ARE YOU CRAZY
Welcome back to the The Lost Boys Movie Min. A podcast dedicated to the 1987 Vampire movie. I am Dr.Chris the Host of the Radio of Horror network of shows and with me is Film Critic Scott Danielson. We will be reviewing and discussing the film FIVE MIN at a time.
Some of these movie min podcast do a single min we decided to do 5. I want to thank The Superman Movie Min podcast for giving me the idea to do it 5 mins instead of 1. This episode might be our shortest one yet.
This time we are covering Mins 55-60
Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling ass hole nature on our comment section. We will have the podcast available on Itunes Google Play and Sticher very soon. Music from this episode is owned by Warner Archives.
Look for us on Facebook and Twitter to follow along and see when new episodes are posted. We will try to keep a schedule of every other Monday. The Lost Boys is owned by Warner Brothers Films.
The Vampire Movie Minute Podcast
The Lost Boys Movie Minute Podcast Mins 55-60: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Welcome back to the The Lost Boys Movie Min. A podcast dedicated to the 1987 Vampire movie. I am Dr.Chris the Host of the Radio of Horror network of shows and with me is Film Critic Scott Danielson. We will be reviewing and discussing the film FIVE MIN at a time.
Some of these movie min podcast do a single min we decided to do 5. I want to thank The Superman Movie Min podcast for giving me the idea to do it 5 mins instead of 1. This episode might be our shortest one yet.
This time we are covering Mins 50-55
Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling ass hole nature on our comment section. We will have the podcast available on Itunes Google Play and Sticher very soon. Music from this episode is owned by Warner Archives.
Look for us on Facebook and Twitter to follow along and see when new episodes are posted. We will try to keep a schedule of every other Monday. The Lost Boys is owned by Warner Brothers Films.
The Vampire Movie Minute Podcast
The Lost Boys Movie Minute Podcast Mins 50-55: Hounds of Hell