SPN Creatures and Lore #55 I Believe the Children Are Our Future

SPN Creatures and Lore #55 I Believe the Children Are Our Future

Mel and I return to talk about the anti Christ and the weird various versions of this kind of creature this week. We had no idea when doing this episode the thing had so many forms. We both hope everyone had a great Supernatural filled Thanksgiving

My Co-host Actress Mel Heflin joins us from Japan. We pull the facts from a variety of sources and books, anything left out or facts you disagree with please be aware we are not experts in this field. Thanks to Jess-O-Lantern for the theme song.

Supernatural Creatures and Lore
Supernatural Creatures and Lore
SPN Creatures and Lore #55 I Believe the Children Are Our Future
Written by Chris

Writer and radio show host in Worcester Ma

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