Jim Henshaw Interview. Ep:1 Doorway to Hell—Ryan and Micki spearhead an investigation after Uncle Lewis’ spirit talks to Jack through a cracked mirror.
Ep:2 The Voodoo Mambo—The spirit of a priestess uses a mask to force a man to murder three voodoo priests.
Original air dates for these episode are September 30, 1988 and October 7, 1988
Welcome back to The Dead Tv Podcast We return to FRIDAY THE 13th the series with Season 2. This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled.
We continue our coverage of Friday the 13th the series or Friday’s Curse as it was called in some other parts of the world as well as The Mystery of Friday and in Germany under the title Heirs to the Curse. (I like this title better)
This time we look at FRIDAY the 13th the series Season 2 Episodes 1 and 2 Doorway to Hell and The Voodoo Mambo
I your host Dr.Chris am joined by the amazing and talented Mistress Zeneca. Joining us is Series Writer and Producer Jim Henshaw
Two episodes every week we host The Dead Tv Podcast. This show has 3 seasons and is the longest show we ever had a chance to cover.
Music was from Screaming Jay Hawkins and Bette Midler from the movie Hocus Pocus
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Glad to have the focus back on Friday the 13th. This podcast has me wanting to watch these episodes again. Jim Henshaw had some interesting contributions to make; I hope he can return to talk about the other stories he wrote/contributed to (I’d really like to hear his opinion of how Badge of Honor turned out). Coming from a background in anthropology, I initially approached Voodoo Mambo (which I hadn’t seen on original broadcast) with a little apprehension. Voodoo is not usually treated with much cultural respect. So I was pleasantly surprised by its portrayal. But I was even more surprised when Henshaw mentioned them actually having consultants reviewing the story. I have new respect for the production team.
As far as the story goes, the way Carl comes into contact with the mask seemed very contrived—maybe that’s one of things that Henshaw was recalling when he said they didn’t get the episode quite right; but I think that was really the only weak point.
Have you ever thought about doing Kolchak: The Night Stalker? The second episode of the series, “The Zombie,” brings voodoo to Chicago (actually, the series brought almost every monster to Chicago).
Also, it was great hearing a shout out for the Mahoning Drive In. I’ve been there a coupe times and will be seeing Dracula and Creature from the Black Lagoon in August.
Looking forward to your reviews of the rest of Season 2.