Welcome back to another episode of Supernatural Creatures and Lore. Folsom Prison Blues/strong> In this episode we discuss the different kinds of Prison Hauntings. We take a look t all the prisons we know of that may have ghosts in them all over the country.
CORRECTION** In this episode I say this is the only time Sam and Dean are in jail NOT TRUE they got put in jail for part of an episode by The FBI agent after them in season 3 and last season then were in jail during the mid season break.
Folsom Prison Blues
Air date: April 26, 2007
Sam and Dean get themselves thrown into the state penitentiary when they hear about a ghost that has been killing inmates.
Season number: 2
Episode number: 19
My Co-host Actress Mel Heflin joins us. We pull the facts from a variety of sources and books, anything left out or facts you disagree with please be aware we are not experts in this field.
This podcast will be ONCE a month and coming out on the 24th of each month. We are going to TRY and stick to that schedule. If you noticed since December it has been doing that already.
Thanks to Wicked Chronic in Natick Ma for being our Sponsor
Thanks to Jess-O-Lantern for her excellent music
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