We return to the Vampire Movie Minute Podcast this time covering the movie by Quinton Tarentino and Robert Rodriguez Staring George Clooney and Tarentino. ALso in this movie the late great Michael Parks and Julittle Lewis and many more. We will break this movie down five mins at a time. Joining me for this episode […]
SPN Creatures and Lore #67: Clap your Hands If you Believe
Mel and Chris Talk about the Faries in the world of Supernatural and if they exist in our world or not and why people think they might be UFOs. Plot: While Sam and Dean are investigating a UFO sighting, Dean is abducted from a crop circle. However, when he awakens, he discovers he isn’t dealing with aliens, but fairies! Unfortunately, […]
Hack/Slash: Kill Your Idols With Guest Star Chris Crank
I review Kill your idols which was a collection of shorts in the Image Comics 30th Anniversary comics from last year teaming Cassie and Vlad with Super Patriot, SHadow Hawk and several others from the Image Universe. Chris Crank long time HS letterer joins me for this episode for a short and sweet interview about […]
SPN Creatures and Lore #66: Live Free or Twi-Hard
We return to talk about VAMPIRES …again. Cuz Mel has a dark secret to reveal on the podcast about Vampires and we both love Vampires If you do love Vampires make sure to check out Vlada a Dracula Tale on Etsy or Amazon. Episode PLOT When a vampire links the disappearance of a number of […]
Werewolf the Series Finale with Guest John J. York
In this episode of Werewolf the Series we say good bye to this canceled too soon fox show. We also play out interview with John J. York who I interviewed in 2020 and in 2007. This is a reedit of his old interview from 2020. Keep in mind this is also a phone interview with […]
Hack/Slash The Card Game
I sit down with the man behind the new Hack/Slash Card Game now up on their site crowdfunding. Jordan Plosky comes on to talk about this cool new card game hes created and I cant wait to get a copy and play it. Check out the main show this podcast is connected too at www.radioofhorror.wordpress.com […]
Werewolf Episodes 27&28: Gray Wolf & Amazing Grace
Two more episodes left in The Dead Tv Podcast Coverage of Werewolf the Series. Ep 27: Eric joins forces with a fellow werewolf to kill Nicholas Remy Ep 28: Eric looks after an elderly woman in a mental institution. This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope […]
Dracula 79: The End
We have come to the end of Dracula 79 its been a Long long journey but happy we are at the end of it. Loz the author from England joins me from England once again to finish out this movie. As we say goodbye and the cape of Dracula flies away into the sky. Music […]
SPN Creatures and Lore #66: You Can’t Handel the Truth
We talk about the new creature of the week Verita who is the goddess of truth, the Horn of Gabriel, Luduan the Chinese also all get some mentions as they are referenced in the Supernatural information. My Co-host Actress Mel Heflin joins us from Florida. We pull the facts from a variety of sources and […]
Werewolf The Series Ep 25&26: To Dream of Wolves part 1&2
This is a two part episode of the series that changes the direction of the show and kills off our main bad guy to be replace by another bad guy now played by Brian Thompson. We also have a fantastic interview to start this episode with Thomas Bellisimo to talk about the Special Effects of […]
Santos Sisters And Friends: Halloween Special
Welcome back to Goth Girl Horror the titles might confuse you as this is a Halloween Special for another comic book series that Cassie and Vlad Guest star in. The Santos Sisters and joining me for this issue is the creators of the Santos Sisters all three of them on the call to talk about […]
SPN Creature and Lore #65: Weekend At Bobby
This week we talk about Okami a Japanese Wolf creature that guards a village and in this episode we get none of that. Its a Japanese girl with bad teeth. But we do get one of the most fun episodes of the show Weekend at Bobby a Bobby Rufus Sheriff Jody Mills episode and Sam […]
Dracula 79 Mins 100-105: Death of Dracula
We are at the end of the movie almost here Loz the author joins me again to help finish off Dracula 79. Its the end of the film for the most part as we see Dracula dying Please leave comments and corrections if they are not of a trolling nature on our comment section. We […]
Werewolf the Series Episodes 23&24: King of the Road & A Material Girl
Ep23 Eric jumps a train in his quest for Skorzeny. He finds a band of hobos who are suspicious of him when one of their members has his throat slit while they sleep. Ep24 When a werewolf murders some homeless kids, Eric tracks it to a mall and finds a homeless girl living there. He […]
Dracula79 Mins 95-100: 1912 Hispano-Suiza Alfonso XIII
Today I am joined by British Horror Author Loz Cadman talking about the chase scene and a rather lack luster amount of action, The Car vs a horse drawn carriage is all we get Dracula Swooning Mina in these five mins. The beginning and ending of the five mins is just a lot of our […]