Places, radio of horror, Uncategorized, Video Games

PaxEast 2010 Report

The first ever video game con that Radio of Horror has been to and boy are we tired. Lets go over some of the highlights of the con. This con was put on by the people over at Penny Arcade.

GAMES—These will be the games that really stood out in our mind. We got to play a number of great demos for games such as Shank a very cartoony and violent downloadable game for the 360.  The Calling by Hudson on the Wii, this game is a great point and click japanese style horror game that uses the word survival horror the way it should be. Like the game Siren its less about blasting away the enemy and more about how to survive the game itself. Very rarely do we get this any more. I met with a couple reps for The Calling, and we will have our full review when we get our copy soon. The Dishwasher Dead Samurai another game you can download on the Wii has a sequel coming soon Vampire Tears. This is a twisted violent little game but so cute and weird at the same time. We will be downloading the full game soon and you can check out our review then.  Dungeons and Dragons–The company Turbine was one of the great companies based out of Westwood MA. They develop this great RPG a few years ago, and it has been going strong ever since. They also developed a Lord of the Rings RPG.

Panals—We sat in on a few panels at the con the biggest problem was waiting in line for these panels. It was long and you wasted a lot of time waiting in line for a panal to begin. The biggest panal that stood out for us was for Dead Space 2 by EA. We finally got a contact with EA YAH. They went over the  history of the game in GREAT DETAIL. They went thru the different things you may have missed from DS and DS Extraction.  This panel was more than just how they made the game it was a fan boys dream to hear the developers get very geeky with their details.  Then they showed 2 mins of new footage and had a cos-play Isack Clark come out in the new DS2 armor. It was fantastic. They even passed out Dead Space Graphic novels and Artbooks to the crowd. We got an Art Book. The other panel we attend was for the Collage Humor guys. This is something you have to check out just google Collage humor.

Gaming—There was a lot of great gaming to be had at this con. Bad Company,  Halo, Alien vs Predator, and more. I don’t normally partake in a lot of PC gaming because of not having a great high-end computer but I definitely want to look into it soon.  They even had a Retro gaming room or two that was a real great blast to the past for me.

Other things we did at the con ws partake in a few raffles and we even won Sega’s Beyonetta, The Conduit and the 360 Orange Box. WE met reps from Rockstar,2K, Disney, Alien Ware and more. The Alien Ware setup was huge and it really gave us a chance to see what kind of fire power this gaming pc system has to offer. The massive amount of freebie stuff we got is great. Some of it we will auction off as per a few deals we made, in order to help the wcuw fundraiser.

All in all it was a good time, there were some lag parts, but when you have Weill Wheaton giving the key-note speech it definitely helps the atmosphere of the con and make it lively. I look forward to Pax East 2011. For the next three years it will all be in Boston. Thankfully not at the Hynes Con again next year,,,,


Pax Con East in 2 days

Soon I will be at Pax Con east a huge gaming con. I will have Shota Nakama from the Video Game Symphony orchestra on the show this Sunday after the con. I will also have a chance to meet the keynote speaker Will Wheaton from Star Trek The Next Generation. HE is a big gamer and a big geek.

entertainment, movies, news, Places, radio of horror, SciFi, tv

Hollywood Video Chapter 11

The big media rental giant Hollywood Video ( who I have always prefered rather than Blockbuster) has filed chapter 11. Once apon a time the Rental industry was strong. But it’s really died like the newspapers. The store located in Worcester Ma on Park Ave has a great selection of Horror and Sci-Fi films. 3 for 18 bucks. I picked up The complete Lone Gunmen, Juon, King Kong(33),and a couple Mystery Science Theater 3000 box sets.  They still have plenty left over go check them out.

movies, SciFi

First 3-D/Blue Ray Film

Monsters vs Aliens is coming out again on Tuesday in Digital 3-D. This is the first of the new digital 3-D films to come out. It s great since it s a Monster movie a good monster movie even. It has a great cats behind it with Reese Witherspoon and Hugh Laurie, Keither Sutherland and others round out the cast. There were two shorts also Bobs Big Break and a Halloween special. You will need to shell out $400 for the player and then u can watch the movie YAH.  Next big 3-D film on Blu-Ray will be Avatar.

entertainment, news, radio of horror, Uncategorized, vampires, websites


Horror show host Brooke Lewis aka Ms.Vampy is calling in tonight at 1230am est  she is goign to apear at the Vampira tribute show at horror hounds next weekend.  Pennydreadfull will also be there another horror host and friend of Radio of Horror

entertainment, movies, radio of horror, SciFi

Actor Peter Graves Passes Away

Peter Graves who was best known for his roles in the movie Airplane and It conquered the World passed away last night of a heart attack. He was 86 years old. His best role may have been as the goofey pervet piolet in Airplane 1and 2 but, he is super famous for his role in the 1970s show Mission Impossible. He was also the host of A&E Biography.

Books, magazines, radio of horror, websites

Poet/writer Susurrus Din/Ryan Coffman and Gore Zone Magazine

Susurrus Din/Ryan Coffman a horror writer and fellow horror junkie will be on the show tonight. HE will be in studio with us all night I think lol. Calling in from the UK will be Bryan from Gore Zone Magazine.  Bryan will give us some info on his great horror magazine. Here is a link to learn more about both Ryan and Bryan.

Video Games

Horror Game downloads on Wii,360,PS3

  1. The new Resident Evil download is available on 360 and PS3. Desperate Escape follows Jill Valentine as she escapes from the mansion and comes full circle where she reunites with Chris and Shiva to take down Wesker. This game like the last one is about an hour and can be very frustrating and nail-biting. The ending is one of those great u have 10 mins to survive a onslought of foes.  This one differs from the other in the way that its back to more action based like RE4 and 5. Where as Lost in Nightmares was more puzzle solving like very RE game before 4. It’s definetly worth downloading and checking out.
  2. Next you have Zombie’s Ate my Neighbors. This classic game form the Super Nintendo/Sega Genesis days is one of the best platformers from the 16 bit era. It’s loads of fun and one of the few original horror games of the early 90s. This is one zombie game that will take u hours to beat and you can play with a friend just like the RE game. IF you have a Wii its definitely worth the download.

Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever

I relize this film has been out or a few weeks now, but I had to throw my 2 cents in about something trylu disgusting. This is one film I can not recomend at all this was by far one of the wrose movies in horror I have ever seen. The only redeeming thing I thought was going to be in it was Ryder Strong returned but that was a quick return and a bloody death. Think robo cop and splat. I do not recomend this film at all

movies, news, radio of horror, vampires

Corey Haim passes away

The child actor Corey Haim died today of an OD. He was 36 years old. I met Corey at Rock and Shock in 2008. He was a real nice guy very funny and full of life. A bit of a weirdo but a good guy. I will always remember him from The Lost Boys, he played Michael’s younger brother Sam. He was always partnered with Corey Feldman in many films from the 80’s.

Books, radio of horror

Meeting with a Horror Writer

We met Seth Graham Smith tonight it was great. He talked about why he created the Abe Lincoln Vamp book. something he went over on my show as well. He read a little from the book and did a short QandA, then signed for his fans. He gave great words of wisdom if you’re looking to get started as a writer or in anything in general. It was a true honor to meet him.

Books, Comic Books, radio of horror

Seth Graham Smith and Zenescope

Seth Grham Smith author of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is on the show tonight. Make sure you go to Cambridge tomorow night to check out his new book Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. We will also be there to meet Seth and to promote ROH so go check us out at The Brattle Theater. Zenescope will be on to talk about there Grim Fairy Tales Comics. They publish some of the best fantasy stories with great looking woman.

news, SciFi, tv

Horror/Sci-fi TV shows March 2010

Lost–Lost has certainly returned with a big bang. Not only do we know who smokey the monster is we got more info on Ben’s temple and more insight to what would have happened if the plane never crashed. It certainly seems like everyone life would have been better. The show seems like a completely different setting than what we originally started with. Last nights episode was focused on Sayid and featured the return of Claire part 2. (Emily De Raven) was busy making a chic flick with sparkle man Robert Pattinson) She now has become Rouse the crazy french woman from season 1-4. With ten episodes left we are all anticipating the long-awaited answers to many questions still.

Supernatural— Unfortunatly not a lot to report about the show right now. We don’t get any new episodes till late this month. But issue 3 comes out next week. This story conts the events that led up to Sam leaving his Father and Brother and going to college. It’s worth checking out to get this back story fully explained. Part of this was told in the journal of John Winchester. The first 2 vols are in trade pick them up the art work may not be super but the story is well written and shows the depths a man will go thru to protect his sons.

Survivors–This british remake of a 1977 tv show is currently airing on BBC America. A super flu wiped out most of the human race its survivors have to deal with the horror of whats left behind and to cope with a world where there is no structure or law anymore. I have not caught this show yet but have heard good things. Lets hope its better than UKs last remake The Prisoner, which was so boring.

The Vampire Diaries—-Ugh still don’t watch it, only reason I would be because Kevin Williamson created based on the novel. HE is currently working on Scream 4.