The first ever video game con that Radio of Horror has been to and boy are we tired. Lets go over some of the highlights of the con. This con was put on by the people over at Penny Arcade.
GAMES—These will be the games that really stood out in our mind. We got to play a number of great demos for games such as Shank a very cartoony and violent downloadable game for the 360. The Calling by Hudson on the Wii, this game is a great point and click japanese style horror game that uses the word survival horror the way it should be. Like the game Siren its less about blasting away the enemy and more about how to survive the game itself. Very rarely do we get this any more. I met with a couple reps for The Calling, and we will have our full review when we get our copy soon. The Dishwasher Dead Samurai another game you can download on the Wii has a sequel coming soon Vampire Tears. This is a twisted violent little game but so cute and weird at the same time. We will be downloading the full game soon and you can check out our review then. Dungeons and Dragons–The company Turbine was one of the great companies based out of Westwood MA. They develop this great RPG a few years ago, and it has been going strong ever since. They also developed a Lord of the Rings RPG.
Panals—We sat in on a few panels at the con the biggest problem was waiting in line for these panels. It was long and you wasted a lot of time waiting in line for a panal to begin. The biggest panal that stood out for us was for Dead Space 2 by EA. We finally got a contact with EA YAH. They went over the history of the game in GREAT DETAIL. They went thru the different things you may have missed from DS and DS Extraction. This panel was more than just how they made the game it was a fan boys dream to hear the developers get very geeky with their details. Then they showed 2 mins of new footage and had a cos-play Isack Clark come out in the new DS2 armor. It was fantastic. They even passed out Dead Space Graphic novels and Artbooks to the crowd. We got an Art Book. The other panel we attend was for the Collage Humor guys. This is something you have to check out just google Collage humor.
Gaming—There was a lot of great gaming to be had at this con. Bad Company, Halo, Alien vs Predator, and more. I don’t normally partake in a lot of PC gaming because of not having a great high-end computer but I definitely want to look into it soon. They even had a Retro gaming room or two that was a real great blast to the past for me.
Other things we did at the con ws partake in a few raffles and we even won Sega’s Beyonetta, The Conduit and the 360 Orange Box. WE met reps from Rockstar,2K, Disney, Alien Ware and more. The Alien Ware setup was huge and it really gave us a chance to see what kind of fire power this gaming pc system has to offer. The massive amount of freebie stuff we got is great. Some of it we will auction off as per a few deals we made, in order to help the wcuw fundraiser.
All in all it was a good time, there were some lag parts, but when you have Weill Wheaton giving the key-note speech it definitely helps the atmosphere of the con and make it lively. I look forward to Pax East 2011. For the next three years it will all be in Boston. Thankfully not at the Hynes Con again next year,,,,