Horror Show

C&L Pilot The Woman in White

Welcome to the very first episode of Supernatural Creatures and Lore. My Co-host Kat and I are very happy you can join us or are returning after our Christmas preview show a few weeks ago. This podcast will be out every other week. Shout out to Jess-O-Lantern for supplying us with a theme song for our show. If you would like to help support Creatures and Lore you can do so on the patreon link below.

Supernatural Creatures and Lore is recorded at the WCUW studios in Worcester MA.

Jess-O-Lantern Facebook Page

Radio of Horror Network Patreon

Creatures and Lore Group

Creatures and Lore Twitter

Supernatural Creatures and Lore
Supernatural Creatures and Lore
C&L Pilot The Woman in White

Kindred The Embraced Episode 3: Nightstalker

Mistress Zeneca and I record this episode Christmas Day evening at the wcuw studio. Both our Holidays were over so what better time to talk about this unaired episode from Kindred the Embraced. This show would have had a second season and we talk a bit about that in the episodes covering this forgotten Fox Network show.

IMDB Page for Show

The Dead Tv Facebook Page

Radio of Horror Network Twitter

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Kindred The Embraced Episode 3: Nightstalker