crime Drama

Witchblade Ep 10&11:Convergence & Transcendence

Ep 10: Aired 14 August 2001 With her life is danger from the White Bulls, Sara’s not sure who to she can trust. Even with partner Jake’s revelation, she’s not entirely sure she can trust him.

Ep11: Aired 21 August 2001Kenneth Irons tries to get Captain Dante to call off his hunt for Sara, but the Captain is dead set on eliminating her. Meanwhile, Sara and Jake set a trap for Dante but she is shocked when she learns Irons hired him

Back for two more episodes of this amazing podcast during this time of Quarantine, This wraps up our season one coverage of Witchblade and joining us for this episode is Witchblade co-Creator David Wohl

This is a podcast where we talk about Horror/Fantasy/Sci-fi shows that have been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the coverage so far. Thanks to everyone who has found the Podcast recently. If you could leave a rating on iTunes for us that would be great. Music from this episode is provided to us by Jess-O-Lantern. Don’t forget to check out our awesome Sponsor for the Radio of Horror network

The Dead TV Podcast
The Dead TV Podcast
Witchblade Ep 10&11:Convergence & Transcendence