WE ARE BACK with a brand new Hack/Slash Series Hack/Slash Resurections, and we have a special guest Ben Goldsmith from Source Point Press and creator of Seance Room comic book. Seance Room will have Cassie and Vlad guest star coming up later this year or next year.
Halloween Girl’s YouTube Channel Link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVJeeTzbvutezfTRj9RQyeA
All episodes are on iTunes Sticher and Google play and any distributor you can find podcasts. You can find us on twitter at @gothgirlhorror @chrisdsav. Check out the main show this podcast is connected too at www.radioofhorror.wordpress.com Music for this episdoe is provided by Monster Mob their song Hack/Slash. The Dr. Chris Radio of Horror Show Sunday nights at 10pm est. Please email us at thatradioofhorror@gmail.com