Welcome back to another episode of Supernatural Creatures and Lore. The Usual Suspects/strong> This is Season 2 Episode 7 for those of you tuning in.
Original Air date: November 9, 2006
Sam and Dean investigate the murders of a lawyer and his wife who claimed to see a ghost before they died; local detectives arrest Sam and Dean for double murder before they are able to find the ghost.
My Co-host Actress Mel Heflin joins us. We talk in this episode about Death Omens something Mel Heflin has more connection with than I do. You get to hear a real personal story from her. We pull the facts from a variety of sources and books, anything left out or facts you disagree with please be aware we are not experts in this field
This podcast will be out every other week don’t forget to leave us a rating on I tunes or google play. If you can please leave a comment below the episode you tuned in for and share on your own social media pages.
Thanks to Jess-O-Lantern for supplying us with a theme song for our show once again. Her links can be found below.
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Supernatural Creatures and Lore is recorded at the WCUW studios in Worcester MA. Don’t forget to check out Radio of Horror other site. Also thank to our new Sponsor of the Podcast Wicked Chronic in Natick MA.
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